Encyclopedia of Handwriting Analysis Vol A (1-10)


The first edition of the Encyclopedia was published starting in 1986 to provide handwriting analysts with a less frustrating source of information in all areas of the field. Since 2008, volumes 1 through 10 have been thoroughly revised, re-printed and republished. More volumes will follow as they are completed.   Aside from offering a reliable source of information, the Encyclopedia also provides fascinating reading on many subjects in the field of handwriting analysis.


The first edition of the Encyclopedia was published starting in 1986 to provide handwriting analysts with a less frustrating source of information in all areas of the field. Since 2008, volumes 1 through 10 have been thoroughly revised, re-printed and republished. More volumes will follow as they are completed.   Aside from offering a reliable source of information, the Encyclopedia also provides fascinating reading on many subjects in the field of handwriting analysis.

The first, original Encyclopedia volumes in 1986 were still written with typewriter, and the following ones that were produced during the 1990’s had illustrations taped into them since computer and desktop publishing capabilities were not nearly as advanced as they are today. For that reason, Dr. Karohs has been and is still revising all 30 volumes. The complete text is being re-edited, in many case updates, and the books are entirely re-formatted. The illustrations in the updated volumes are cleaned and scanned, rather than taped into the text. At this time, 15 volumes have been updated, with volumes 16 through 20 to be available shortly.

Those of you who bought the original volumes should keep them carefully; they are no longer available anywhere and we have heard that people are already saving them as collectors’ items.
Weight 300 g
Dimensions 21 × 14.8 × 1.5 cm

Ebook, Printed

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