Flash Cards


These flash cards describe and illustrate 112 personality traits. They are great because they make writing an analysis faster and easier. They fit in a briefcase or pocketbook, so you can take them with you can take them with you and be the life of a party. And when you are doing an analysis in your office, just whip out the cards and in no time you will have identified all of the traits in your handwriting sample. These flash cards are NOT something you are going to zip through once, put on a shelf and never go back to. They are a true tool kit you will keep going back to, time after time. And each time, you will strengthen your memory and eventually you will be able to spot the traits without using the cards. The flash cards are ready for printing on heavy card stock. They can be easily cut into individual cards. The description will be on one side and the illustration on the other


These flash cards describe and illustrate 112 personality traits. They are great because they make writing an analysis faster and easier. They fit in a briefcase or pocketbook, so you can take them with you can take them with you and be the life of a party. And when you are doing an analysis in your office, just whip out the cards and in no time you will have identified all of the traits in your handwriting sample. These flash cards are NOT something you are going to zip through once, put on a shelf and never go back to. They are a true tool kit you will keep going back to, time after time. And each time, you will strengthen your memory and eventually you will be able to spot the traits without using the cards. The flash cards are ready for printing on heavy card stock. They can be easily cut into individual cards. The description will be on one side and the illustration on the other

Weight 300 g
Dimensions 21 × 14.8 × 1.5 cm


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