It has long been established in graphology that the mind changes certain personality traits via handwriting therapy. If a certain stroke is repeatedly written in a new way, the brain will change itself into becoming what is written. If a person is sensitive, but gets determined enough to focus the brain so that it doesn’t make handwriting strokes indicating sensitiveness, then the brain will also change its sensitive attitude.
However, there is one stumbling block. It has been determined that so-called handwriting “beautification,” or deliberately trying to change a stroke representing a so-called problem trait (like raising a t-bar for higher goals) tends to create resistance from the subconscious mind. The unfortunate result is that the person ends up with one or more resistance traits in addition to the original undesirable trait.
The Grapho-Cybernetics program uses a unique approach of global exercises. These global exercises harmonize and stabilize the overall writing pattern without focusing deliberately on specific traits, thereby bringing about positive changes without the subconscious mind being aware of it. Even so, the Grapho-Cybernetics program is not an overnight solution for changing traits. It takes dedication and commitment.